DIY IRS 1023 Full Form Application
The Mission Guardian document preparation service uses the answers you provide to automatically populate forms and complete them. You are not hiring a lawyer by purchasing this product. You are purchasing a document prep product that includes educational content to inform your decision-making. No person will review your answers or provide you with advice for your particular situation. You are solely responsible for your own answers and actions. The Mission Guardian documentation preparation service is not acting as your attorney and is not providing legal advice. Using the service doesn’t create an attorney-client relationship. The product is designed to create nonprofit bylaws that comply with IRS and nonprofit sector best practices. State-level nonprofit regulations vary. This product may work elsewhere but is designed primarily for Minnesota state compliance. If you need legal representation at any time, then you should hire an attorney.
Already purchased your DIY 1023 Full Form? Go access the DIY IRS 1023 Full Form Application tool here.